The Top 10 Precautions To Take In 3rd Trimester Of Pregnancy (2025)

The last stage of pregnancy is the third trimester, the most exciting time but needs many precautions and expects the mother to be vigilant as well. It is in this stage that the monitoring starts. The last leg of pregnancy begins with the 27th week till the end of pregnancy, which is 36 weeks and even more or less depending on the individual.

Mothers face the greatest challenges during this stage as the baby’s weight increases, the baby’s movements are monitored, standing and sitting are challenging, the baby drops, etc. Here are some of the major symptoms facing the woman and then let’s go through the safety points and precautions to be taken.

What Are The Symptoms Of The Third Semester Of Pregnancy?

The last leg of pregnancy can be characterized by the following features and they are mentioned as under

1. Cramps or Abdominal Aches

Stomach pain leads to gas, constipation, and some other discomfort. The reasons for the same can be attributed to many factors. The round ligaments that support the lower abdomen stretch to support the growing bump leading to a sharp pain (round ligament pain)

The reason for other aches and cramps are due to:

  • High blood pressure during pregnancy is also known as preeclampsia
  • Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
  • Placental abruption under which the placenta separates from the uterus too early1

The above reasons are the cause of abdominal pains, yet a doctors help is required if the pregnant woman experiences:

  • Fever and chills
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Vaginal bleeding

Related Reading: 15 Best And Effective Indian Home Remedies For UTI

2. Lower back and hip pain

Since the body prepares for childbirth, the hormone levels increase thereby loosening the tissue. This even makes the pelvis flexible for the baby to pass through the birth canal easily.

As the connective tissue starts to loosen and stretch, lower back pain is also experienced. This is also due to the posture change since one tends to lean towards one side.

This can be relieved by putting a pillow between the legs since it slightly opens the hips. In case of acute pain, or when pressure is felt towards the thighs, with stomach cramping, or contractions of 1o minutes each, a pink or brown vaginal discharge, medical help should be taken immediately as it could signal signs of preterm labor2.

3. Sciatica

It is a long nerve that starts from the lower back down to the feet. Pain on this nerve is referred to as Sciatica. This pain is experienced by women as the enlarged uterus tends to press the sciatic nerve resulting in tingling, numbness in the lower back, pain in thighs and buttocks, affecting one side or both sides of the body.

This pain is quite uncomfortable but causes no harm to the baby. The pain can be eased off by a warm bath, stretching, using pillows for comfortably positioning oneself3.

4. Vaginal pain

A more stressed and anxious situation for a woman at this time is the vaginal pain, as one gets confused if it is the baby’s arrival time or any health issue. Severe piercing pain in the vagina indicates the dilation of the cervix preparing for delivery4.

A doctor should be called immediately if :

  • There is intense vaginal pain
  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Intense pain in the lower abdomen
  • Intense pain in the vagina

Related Reading: Managing Labor Pains By Holding A Comb – Fact Or Myth?

5. Braxton contractions

The contractions begin by the second trimester but are more common in the third trimester. Under this, the uterus muscles tighten for about 60 seconds or even two minutes. These are also referred to as practice contractions as they help in preparing for the delivery and offer the opportunity to practice breathing exercises5.

Braxton contractions help in toning the uterine muscles and even promote the blood flow to the placenta. They even help in softening the cervix. They occur more frequently as the time of delivery nears, even referred to as false labor. It even helps in the effacement and dilation process.

What do Braxton’s contractions feel like: The uncomfortable painless tightening starts at the top of the uterus and then moves downwards. The contractions make the abdomen hard. As the mother nears the estimated date of delivery, they tend to become more intense and frequent. They can be described as:

  • Infrequent and unpredictable
  • Irregular in intensity lasting for about 15-30 seconds
  • Non-rhythmic
  • Very uncomfortable yet not painful
  • The intensity or frequency does not increase
  • They keep tapering and then disappear.

What triggers them- The contractions are triggered due to the following reasons.

  • When the bladder is full
  • Dehydration
  • After sex

To get rid of the Braxton Hicks contractions, the given below measures can be adopted:

  • Taking a warm bath for 30 minutes or less
  • Drinking a couple of glasses of water helps as it can be caused by dehydration
  • Drinking a warm cup of herbal tea or milk
  • Changing position from lying to standing or going for a walk if sitting for a long time.

6. Insomnia

It is a sleep disorder that makes it difficult to stay asleep or fall asleep regularly. Insomnia can affect the mother in the third trimester, and it is due to the following reasons:

  • Since the baby becomes large by the third trimester, it becomes hard for the mother to breathe while she sleeps and even finds a comfortable position to sleep
  • The lower back pain is also a reason for the inability to sleep well
  • Sleep even gets disturbed by snoring, research states that nasal congestion is common in 42% of women which results in snoring
  • The increasing size of the baby puts more pressure on the diaphragm creating difficulties in sleeping6

Related Reading: 9 Pain Management Techniques During Labor

Insomnia can be prevented by adopting the following measures:

  • Sleeping on the left helps to promote the blood flow to the baby
  • Avoid sleeping on the back since it restricts the blood flow
  • Do not take carbonated or caffeinated beverages as they result in leg cramping
  • Drinking plenty of water helps in reducing cramping
  • Stretching the legs before going to bed helps with cramping and allows you to sleep well.

Some Other Common Symptoms Of Third Trimester

The Top 10 Precautions To Take In 3rd Trimester Of Pregnancy (2)
  • Itching in the belly is caused due to stretching of the skin
  • A feeling of burning sensation due to increase acid reflux or indigestion
  • Morning sickness starts reducing after the first trimester. However, it is possible to continue to the third trimester if the mother is expecting twins or multiples
  • Lack of proper sleep, stress, overeating etc. can trigger headaches during the third trimester which can be cured with proper eating habits, sleeping patterns, and some exercise
  • As the body prepares for delivery, some of the body muscles start loosening up referring to prelabour diarrhea. Due to the extra fiber in the diet or even a bug, in case of symptoms persist for a few days, medical help should be sought
  • Cramps or Abdominal achiness. As your round ligaments (which support your lower abdomen) stretch to accommodate your growing bump, you may feel cramps or sharp pain. There’s not much you can do other than take it easy
  • Fatigue. You’ll feel more zapped this trimester because of the demands pregnancy is putting on your body, so eat well and frequently, stay active and minimize pregnancy sleep problems
  • Heartburn (acid reflux)- In the last few weeks, the uterus starts pushing the stomach upward that resulting in a burning sensation
  • The bulging veins including hemorrhoids in the lower body due to the extra blood that is being pumped are referred to as varicose veins. They disappear once delivery takes place7
  • Stretch marks, the tiny tears, that can be seen on the skin when stretched during pregnancy are due to genetics and one can get relief from it by moisturizing the skin8
  • Clumsiness. Since the hormone keeps fluctuating the balance of the belly also goes for a toss and makes the pregnant woman more forgetful and clumsier. Bending over and picking things is not advised as it can put more pressure on the uterus
  • Once sneezing happens, urination happens with it as the extra weight on the pelvic floor makes it harder for it to stay dry. Trying Kegel exercises help in this case
  • The breasts start leaking signaling that the body is warming up to feed your baby.
  • The baby is gaining weight and it is usual to gain 8-10 pounds in the last leg of pregnancy. It is also fine to lose a few pounds by the end of the ninth month9

Related Reading: 11 Ways To Ease Contractions Pain At Home

When Should I Worry About My Third Trimester?

Even though many things are common in the third trimester of pregnancy, yet certain indicators should be remembered as they can be a signal for you to head to the hospital once the labor starts, when the baby is on its way.

As the delivery date starts nearing, false labor symptoms can even be experienced which are very close to the real ones. Yet, the real signs of labor to watch for are:

  • At about 36 weeks, the baby starts dropping into the pelvis
  • The mucus is stringy and pink or brown indicating labor is on its way
  • Discharge of mucus plug is also very common at this time
  • One can feel cramps in the groin area which indicates dilating of the cervix
  • Labor contractions start intensifying rather than diminishing, unlike Braxton Hick’s contractions
  • Water break may not happen for all the pregnant woman
The Top 10 Precautions To Take In 3rd Trimester Of Pregnancy (3)

It is important to reach a doctor when you experience signs of preterm labor or any late pregnancy warning symptoms like:

  • Severe vaginal pain
  • Heavy vaginal bleeding
  • Severe pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Sudden weight gain
  • A fever of 101.5 Fahrenheit

What Are the Precautions During The Third Trimester Of Pregnancy That Should Be Followed?

Since it is a very important part of pregnancy where many changes happen, a lot of precautions have to be kept under consideration, some of them are as follows:

1. It is important to monitor the blood pressure and sugar levels

Many women experience high blood pressure and even develop gestational diabetes which subsides after delivery but still all types of discomfort or fluctuation should immediately be reported to the doctor10

2. One should avoid all types of intense activities and strenuous exercises

The last stage is very tough and also the time for the body to nurture the baby, a time when the skin starts stretching exerting pressure on the legs. So this is important to offer protection to both the mother and the baby11.

3. Avoid flying or long journeys

It is not advisable to take flights of longer duration or travel for long at this time as extra stress and pressure can result in preterm labor and other complications12.

4. Avoid sleeping on the back

In the last stages, it is difficult to sleep on the back and this position should be avoided as it exerts pressure on the uterus and can cause discomfort to both the mother and the baby. It is advisable to sleep on the left side13.

5. Hot tubs and sauna

One should avoid hot saunas and tubs as the internal temperature can shoot up to 101 or more. Even while taking a bath, the water temperature should be 97-98 degrees F and also monitor with a thermometer. Also, be cautious of not losing the balance in the tub14.

Related Reading: Is It Safe To Take Hot Water Steam During Pregnancy?

6. Exercising in warm temperatures

One can work out even in the third trimester but not in hot weather. Also, stay indoors and don’t let the body get dehydrated or overheated15.

7. Alcohol

Alcohol consumption is not at all safe throughout the pregnancy. Alcohol consumed by the mother can reach the baby through the umbilical cord and can result in miscarriage, stillbirth,

Alcohol in the mother’s blood passes to the baby through the umbilical cord. Alcohol use during and other behavioral, intellectual, and physical disabilities for life16.

8. Raw or undercooked foods

It is not advisable to have raw and undercooked foods (especially poultry, eggs, meat, or fish) as they can result in infection-causing bacteria, which is harmful to the mother-baby duo17.

9. Unpasteurized dairy and juices

Having unpasteurized milk or juices very often can result in complications. Cheese like feta, goat, and brie is made from unpasteurized milk which is dangerous for the mother and the baby18.

Related Reading: Causes, Signs And Remedies For Food Poisoning During Pregnancy

10. Avoid certain sex position

Sex during pregnancy is considered safe but some positions should be avoided. Lying on the back or any uncomfortable position is not recommended as too much pressure is exerted on the baby19.

Thus, with your burgeoning belly and very low energy levels, not much can be done by the woman, but she has to keep going gradually and smoothly. The baby is extremely active at this time which also shows the baby’s health. I

t is thus important to monitor and track the baby’s kicks and movements and seek medical help if there is a drop in the same as it indicates the baby is stressed. There is not much time left and the countdown has already begun. So, have patience, keep the baby bag ready, and wait for the call, it can be anytime now, so gear up for the good news.


1. What should I be doing in my third trimester?

Rather than following a healthy diet, it is also advisable to do light exercises, sign up for prenatal classes and follow all the precautions during the last leg of pregnancy.

2. How can I make my third trimester more comfortable?

The third trimester can be made comfortable by sleeping sideways, eating right, doing exercises, being stress free and doing Kegel and breathing exercises for smooth labor and delivery.

3. What are the symptoms of third-trimester pregnancy?

The third trimester of pregnancy can be characterized by swollen ankles, dizziness, fatigue, frequent urination, insomnia, etc.

The Top 10 Precautions To Take In 3rd Trimester Of Pregnancy (2025)
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